Kings Park wildflower festival

Posted on September 18, 2008 - Filed Under Environmentalism, General, Humor, News, Personal, Technology

g'day Boz last weekend i took a trip into Kings park to have a look at the wildflower festival (or should it be wild flower ?) I am certain you would love it, so i took a couple of photos for you to look at. I tried to show as many as possible. It was an overcast day so the light was nice, but it was windy which was a pain ( I don't know who organised the weather this year, but fine days while I work and rainy windy days for the weekend just isnt Australian). Anyway i made the most of it (I actually went a few times as it is on for the whole of September, and I will likely go again 🙂 ) and if you wish to see the photos they are on my Kings park wildflower festival pages. and seeing as you have a new camera i wll let you in on how i took the photos some were taken with my Pentax fisheye lens which focuses really really close some were taken with an old manual 50mm f1.7 lens mounted on a 2x converter with the glas removed some were taken using the same converter on my old Pentax 10-320 lens let me know which you prefer lol


One Response to “Kings Park wildflower festival”

  1. Barbara (Xerraire) on September 18th, 2008 6:54 am

    I am so glad you went, and I LOVE seeing the photos.

    “I took” a couple, is putting it mildly however.
    Well understated.

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