All Time Emmy Lows

Posted on September 22, 2008 - Filed Under News

Hi Oz I guess I was one of the people who made it the All Time Lowest Rated Emmy Awards show. I didn't watch it. Not too long after the MTV Video awards where it spent the evening making fun of, and telling LIES about the Republican candidates, it was a given that political digs of the same made it's way to the Emmy's. I wonder if people are tired of the vulgar display of bias in these award shows? My guess is yes. For one thing, no matter how many people watch TV to be entertained, Hollywood seems to be out of touch with the American people. The election polls show it a close race. Don't they understand then that at least HALF of the people are considering the Republican ticket? Do they think they have that much influence? Are you kidding me? These people can't run their own lives! What makes them think we're even interested in who Lindsey, Paris, and the rest like for president? 🙂 I would have blogged this at Barb's Blog, but I already blogged there three times today. ~Boz


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