How to embed You Tube

Posted on June 25, 2007 - Filed Under General

🙂 To my ozzie partner, I didn't use You Tube much in my other blog, but I didn't realize you were going to find it so difficult. So I thought you might need this little tutorial on how to embed a You Tube console into this Word Press Blog. It really is rather easy. You don't need to become a member, you don't need much of anything at all, except for the copy/paste function. Once you are at You Tube and you find the movie of your choice. To the right of it, is this code: embed you tube Copy the code within the embed box. Paste it where you want it to go, when in the CODE tab of your Write page. For an example, I thought I would embed a movie I remembered we both laughed at. Both of us from rather large countries, we sometimes encounter how Europeans are often awestruck at the distances we have and still in the same country. One such funny video is from tabhowells. Two English friends traveling from Charleston, West Virginia, to Baltimore, Maryland. Not very far for our standards, but these two were quickly bored and made a very funny video to entertain themselves: ~Boz


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