C is for Cookie

Posted on November 26, 2010 - Filed Under Humor, News, politics

Oz I know you told me about this but I wanted to share this with others. Now I don't know anything about this man or his politics, but I couldn't blame him for wanting peace and quiet, and these journalists wouldn't give him any, even when he was about to hold a press conference with them in 30 minutes. What is funny about this video, is how all he wanted was to eat his cookie, and he repeated it to the point where you start to doubt they are talking to a grown man. It ends up sounding pretty funny, but in the end the joke was on him, he lost his job! Now I have a feeling that people may carry a bag of cookies around with them and every time someone asks them something they'd rather not talk about they will  grab one and say "I'm trying to eat my cookies!" ~Boz


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