Tires, Toys and Seafood, Oh My!

Posted on June 28, 2007 - Filed Under News

Hi Oz! Does Australia import a lot of items from China as the US does? If so, I certainly feel the need to share with you our headlines in the case you don't hear of them there - I mean, I think they're trying to kill us here. It started with the pet food. Beloved pooches and other family pets dying and sick. They traced it back to the pet food that for some reason, we can't make ourselves anymore. Next it was tainted toothpaste and toys. Recently it was 450,000 defective tires with one case in Pennsylvania leading to a deadly car accident. And last, seafood. Which begs the question, what is wrong with our own fish? Since everything is made there, I am starting to question, is ANYTHING safe? ~ BozĀ 


2 Responses to “Tires, Toys and Seafood, Oh My!”

  1. wytammic on June 30th, 2007 9:07 pm


    I found your blog via Brit and Grit. Oh my, we just purchased 2 lbs of shrimp last week to celebrate our daughter’s 20th birthday. Well, it was $21 but appeared to be great quality. So, we got the shrimp home and heated up the deep fryer, and lo and behold I noticed the freaking shrimp was farm raised in CHINA. I immediately thought of the dog food incidents, then thought of the $21 and we fried it up and ate it! I guess the whole thing kind of ticked me off, because who would’ve imagined seafood coming from China? The shrimp was delicious, but we won’t be purchasing it again. Crap — no food from China. Period.

  2. oz on June 30th, 2007 10:03 pm

    g’day Boz
    i dont know how much we get but yes we get imports from China

    here food labelling has to have a country of origin, and “fresh” food like meat, fish, fruit and vegetables usually has it on the sign above the particular item, this way at least you can make informed choices, and fish like basa shouldnt be marketed as south sea snapper or some other name that makes it sound like something it isnt

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