The Ridiculous

Posted on July 9, 2007 - Filed Under News

Hi Oz We have 12 million people crossing over our borders illegally, while here driving drunk and killing our ownpollute and trash our borders, and take our jobs. Law enforcement seem powerless, government and business just look the other way, yet, let a 70 year old grandma who is unable to afford to water her lawn, and they haul her off to jail! (and not in a nice way, she was cuffed, she tripped and scraped her knee leaving blood evidence). She was later released, but  gee, the same kind of officers who made the decision to arrest her, should be able to send a few illegals packing. ~Boz


One Response to “The Ridiculous”

  1. oz on July 11th, 2007 7:25 am

    its seems they are in a drought too
    no one should be wasting water on lawn

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