Hurricanes a la Mediterraneo

Posted on July 16, 2007 - Filed Under Environmentalism

Hi Oz An article in Reuters says that global warming may trigger hurricanes over the Mediterranean Sea. There was a line in the article that interested me:
"Most models in our study show increasing storm intensity and if you combine this with rising sea levels, as are projected, this could be damaging for many coastal settlements."
Even though it talks about rising sea levels, I have to wonder about other news articles stating that  real estate market thrives near the shorelines of the world. Why is that? Do they want a front row seat, and are willing to invest their hard earned money to watch the water rise? Or is it something else? ~Boz


One Response to “Hurricanes a la Mediterraneo”

  1. the Grit on July 16th, 2007 1:40 pm

    Hi Boz,

    People build near the shore here because they know that, should their house get washed away, our Government will pay to rebuild it. It’s also why people build homes in the flood plains of our rivers. On the up side, it keeps our construction industry booming.

    the Grit

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