Gore – Greenie or Doofus.

Posted on July 17, 2007 - Filed Under Environmentalism, News

Oz I know you have a heart for endangered species. Who doesn't? So I hope you excuse my sarcasm and bite here. I just cannot believe that Gore just completely preaches basically just to hear himself talk, as what he says rarely matches what he does. Can you believe it, he recently hosted his own daughter's wedding. On the menu at the reception?  Chilean sea bass - arguably one of the world's most threatened fish species; unless people stop eating it, it may be commercially extinct within five years. According to the Daily Telegraph:
"Also known as Patagonian toothfish, the species is under pressure from illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing activities in the Southern Ocean, jeopardising the sustainability of remaining stocks. The species is currently managed by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Living Marine Resources, the body which introduced a catch and trade documentation scheme as an attempt to tackle illegal poaching of this species."
Let's go out on a limb and say that he really doesn't believe what he preaches, why would he, in the name of all that's holy, would he constantly bend the rules for himself, knowing that he is a public figure? I guess the answer to that, is, he like many of his 'kind', feel they are the elite, the exception, that they are above the rest of us. Their actions are and likely will continue to be, the proof of who or what they think they really are. If it's an 'honest' mistake, then, he is a Doofus, he should give up and let someone else head the cause, but face it, those $100,000 speaking fees, are way too hard to turn away from. Irritated, ~Boz


One Response to “Gore – Greenie or Doofus.”

  1. oz on July 18th, 2007 8:51 am

    imagine if all those $100,000 were put towards planting trees or something useful
    how many more trees we would have
    here plants for rehabilitating areas cost $2

    as for the toothfish
    he should come and catch his own
    our navy would like some practise 🙂

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