Two Crimes

Posted on August 13, 2007 - Filed Under News

Wrecked Lambourghini Oz, I had to share this one! I couldn't help but notice this article about a man who after  he purchased a $400,000 Lamborghini crashed it and has been charged with drunk driving. Of course the drunk driving is a crime, but gee, so is wrecking a Lamborghini!!!!! ~Boz (who recently saw a '66 Shelby Cobra for sale you might like). 🙂 Article: Man Arrested after Crashing $400,000 Lamborghini 


One Response to “Two Crimes”

  1. Lamborghini Gallardo on October 7th, 2007 6:43 am

    The stupid man, anyway looks like very easy is possibly to repair that Lamborghini.

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