Tie me kangaroo down [but not for] sport

Posted on October 10, 2007 - Filed Under Environmentalism

Hi Oz I just read that Greenpeace wants you all over there to eat up more kangaroos!
MORE kangaroos should be slaughtered and eaten to help save the world from global warming, environmental activists say. The controversial call to cut down on beef and serve more of the national symbol on our dinner plates follows a report on curbing greenhouse gas emissions damaging the planet.Greenpeace energy campaigner Mark Wakeham urged Aussies to substitute some red meat for roo to help reduce land clearing and the release of methane gas.
So what do you say, going to add some roo to your toast and tea? It's for the environment! 🙂 (Herald Sun Article HERE) ~Boz


One Response to “Tie me kangaroo down [but not for] sport”

  1. oz on October 11th, 2007 9:21 am

    i dont think so, eat Skippy 🙁
    although there are supposed to be a lot of roos out there (emus too)
    and they are way more friendly to the environment than cows and sheep
    i can remember when roo meat was only good for pet food, i wonder what changed?

    heres a though, how many other countries eat the animals on their countries coat of arms?

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