Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Posted on November 27, 2007 - Filed Under General

Oz Here is a new movie about intelligent design soon to be out in February.
The more I thought about this situation, the more I wondered why we tolerate free speech in every other area of this society, but not here. What makes this situation so different? In my experience, people who are confident in their ideas are not afraid of criticism. So that tells me that Darwinists are afraid. Ben Stein


One Response to “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”

  1. Grandma Noni on January 24th, 2008 6:36 pm

    It’s amazing to me that scientists who ostensibly rely on facts would have any objection to allowing proven facts to direct their thought. It does appear they are paranoid about intelligent design; I’ve seen individuals actually demonstrate by body language that they’d ‘frozen’ when the idea came up. You can see the wall go up and nearly hear the door slam shut in their mind. Weird, eh?
    n kateus

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