Peacock with tail open

It is that time of year again at Caversham wildlife park, inside Whiteman park. The male peacocks are showing off.

as no females were around I am not sure if he was showing off for us, or trying to keep two, totally unimpressed, emus at bay.

Unfortunately I was way to close for my 300mm lens, so I snapped 6 photos, 3 across and 2 up with the though of stitching them together. Which sounded like a good idea at the time.

Using Microsoft Ice the end result wasnt too bad, even though the peacock was moving, so a little judicious editing, cut and pasting, I ended up with a 21 megapixel image.

Was it worth it.


White tailed black cockatoo

A white tailed black cockatoo feasting on a firewood banksia cone whilst sitting on my bull banksia in Winter

I counted about 20 of them going through my trees, pruning as they went.

I picked up some banksia flowers they snipped off and put them in a vase

They do a a fair amount of damage, but gee it is worth it just to watch them 🙂